Louisiana Abortion Resources
As of June 2022, abortions are banned in Louisiana. To find the clinic nearest you, please visit www.ineedana.com or www.abortionfinder.com.
Their goal is to provide a simple, up-to-date, and localized source of information for people seeking abortions. This is a website for locating. They show closest clinic options for people based on location, age, and estimated gestational age.
Free; Spanish spoken
Text line: 435-3-FINDER (English); 218-3-BUSCAR (Spanish)
AbortionFinder.org features the most comprehensive directory of trusted (and verified) abortion service providers and assistance resources in the United States. They show closest clinic options for people based on location, age, and estimated gestational age.
Abortion Finder is also available via text message. For service in English, text “Hello” to 435-3-FINDER; for service in Spanish, text “Hola” to 218-3-BUSCAR. Then provide your zip code, and they’ll reply with the three abortion providers closest to you.
Free; Spanish spoken
National Abortion Federation
The National Abortion Hotline is the largest national, toll-free, multi-lingual Hotline for abortion provider
information and financial assistance in the U.S. and Canada. They provide callers with accurate information, confidential consultation, and information on providers of quality abortion care. They also provide case management services and limited financial assistance to help you afford the cost of your care and travel-related expenses. The Hotline is free and offers services to everyone, regardless of your individual situation. The helpline is often very busy – callers may have to wait on the line for several minutes or call multiple times to successfully contact a case manager.
Hours Central Time: M-F 7 AM-6PM; Sat-Sun 7AM-3PM
Free; Spanish spoken
Other language support available on request through the help of a Language Line
Louisiana Abortion Fund
Louisiana Abortion Fund (formerly New Orleans Abortion Fund) provides support to Louisianans seeking abortion care. Services may include abortion funding, practical support (travel support), and resource referral. Instructions for potentially receiving support include calling their helpline and leaving a voicemail. There are no longer clinics providing care in Louisiana since SCOTUS's Dobbs ruling in 2022.
Free; Spanish maybe spoken
Information for Spanish speaking individuals can be found on their website (Informacion en español se puede encontrar en el sitio web de NOAF. Su linea de telefono es 844-442-2678. Oprime 1 para nuestra Línea de Apoyo en Español)
Tampa Bay Abortion Fund
TBAF removes financial and logistical barriers to abortion access. They specifically assist pregnant people seeking abortion at providers in several counties surrounding Tampa Bay. They also partner with numerous out-of-state clinics for Floridians over 15 weeks. For quickest response, please use the intake form found on their website. You can also call their intake line at 727-314-3956 and expect a response within 48 hours.
Free; Spanish spoken
Information for Spanish speaking individuals can be found by leaving a voicemail on their helpline 727-314-3956 or emailing them at info@tbafund.com
Midwest Access Coalition
847-750-6224 (Helpline for clients only)
MAC is a practical abortion fund. They do not provide financial assistance for abortion procedures—instead, they assist with the other costs and difficulties associated with getting an abortion. If you are traveling to, from or within the Midwest to access safe abortion services, they coordinate and fund lodging, transportation, and food and childcare support. Call or text their helpline at 847-750-6224
Free; Spanish spoken
Exhale: After-Abortion Counseling
Text line: 617-749-2948
Text line hours Central Time M-F 5 p.m. – 11 p.m; Sat 3 p.m. – 11 p.m; Sun 5 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Nonjudgmental after abortion text line support for people who have had abortions and their loved ones.
Free & confidential; Spanish spoken
Other languages available upon request: Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Tagalog.